合资 500-1000人 医疗/护理/卫生
合资 500-1000人 医疗/护理/卫生
美华妇儿服务简介ABOUT US 美华妇儿服务由美国纽约宝康妇产中心和中国上海华山医院下属华顺医院于2003年联合创办。美国纽约宝康妇产中心是一所建立在纽约,由美国认证的妇产科专家组成的优秀医疗团队,其附属于纽约的一些优秀的医疗机构。美华妇儿服务位于上海市中心地区,引进美国全套先进医疗设备、网络技术、现代管理及美国私家专科医生模式,是基于美国标准的全套妇儿医疗服务机构。科学、专业、优质、舒适的系统服务以及与美国保持同步的技术支持让您足不出沪,即可享受到美国和中国认证的医师与专业护理人员提供的中英文双语服务。 American-Sino Ob/Gyn/Pediatrics Services (ASGOP) was co-founded in 2003 by New Life Ob/Gyn Group LLP and Huashun Worldwide Medical Center. New Life Ob/Gyn Group LLP is a New York based OB/GYN medicine group with a team of American board certified obstetricsand gynecology specialists, affiliated with several preeminent medical institutions in New York. Huashun Worldwide Medical Center is a subsidiary of Shanghai Huashan Hospital affiliated with Fudan University. ASGOP’s founding mission is to introduce American standard Ob/Gyn services to China, staffed by certified specialists from the U.S. and China and equipped by state-of-the-art technology and equipment. ASGOP offers a full range of women’s and children’s healthcare services, including 2nd opinion and referral services to the U.S. Our first class inpatient and outpatient facilities are modern, comfortable, and conveniently located in the city center. All staff is bilingual in English and Chinese, providing high-quality personalized service and care.Our Mission:To provide top-quality medical service for women and children为妇女儿童提供最优质的医疗服务Our Vision:To build American-Sino to a century brand打造美华世纪品牌Our Value:The near one pleases, the far one comes近者悦 远者来我们将为你提供:具竞争性的薪酬体系:基本工资+奖金+年终奖+节日福利健全的社会保险带薪休假定期英文、专业培训或讲座优秀人才将获得赴海外工作学习的机会丰富多彩充满朝气的团队活动:生日聚会、旅游、年会等